Become A Foster Carer

The Process

There are 5 stages to becoming a foster carer. At every step of the way you will be guided by our assessing social workers to ensure you feel confident and supported.

The 5 steps are as follows; 

Enquire Today

Contact us to find out more through an informal, no pressure, chat to see if fostering is right for you.

Home Visit

A social worker will organise  home visit to discuss in-depth what fostering is about and answer any questions you may have.


You will undergo a formal assessment known as a ‘Form F’ report which will go into detail assessing why you will make a good foster carer.


The fostering panel will look over your report and make a decision on your suitability to care for children.


Begin your fostering journey as a carer with FCL… Fostering Changes Life …You Can Too!

Types of Fostering

There are a few different kinds of fostering, the process to become a foster carer for them is the same for each. There are also more specialised types fostering which includes caring on remand or therapeutic – you would need specialist training to undertake these. 

At FCL Fostering we focus on the following 4 types;

Short Term

You look after children for a few weeks or months while plans are made for their future.* This could also develop into a long term fostering match whilst you develop a relationship for the child.

Long Term

You foster children who cannot go back to their birth family but do not want to be adopted.* You could be their foster carer until they’re an adult.


You give a child somewhere safe to stay for a few nights or weeks. This is usually unplanned and you could get less than 24 hours’ notice.*


You care for children who have disabilities, special educational needs or behavioural issues while their parents or usual foster carers take a break.*







FCL Fostering - Fostering Changes Life

We are happy to answer any questions that you may have in relation to fostering children and young people. Download our Enquiry Pack which will answer many of the questions that you may have.


Download our enquiry pack today to read more;

  • About us
  • What is Fostering?
  • Who Can Foster?
  • What Support/Finance can I expect?
  • The Recruitment Process
  • Placement Types
  • Working as part of a team
  • Training Programme
  • Qualities of a successful Foster Carer
  • Key Principle Duties and Responsibilities
    Caring for Children
  • What we provide and do differently
  • Frequently asked Questions


Download enquiry pack