The Process

The Process

There are 5 stages to becoming a foster carer. At every step of the way you will be guided by our assessing social workers to ensure you feel confident and supported.

The 5 steps are as follows; 

Enquire Today

Contact us to find out more through an informal, no pressure, chat to see if fostering is right for you

Home Visit

A social worker will organise  home visit to discuss in-depth what fostering is about and answer any questions you may have


You will undergo a formal assessment known as a ‘Form F’ report which will go into detail assessing why you will make a good foster carer


The fostering panel will look over your report and make a decision on your suitability to care for children.


Begin your fostering journey as a carer with FCL Fostering.

Fostering Changes Life …You Can Too!

Safe Recruitment

FCL Fostering are dedicated to recruiting in a way which promotes safeguarding and equality. FCL Fostering ensure that anyone within the agency who has access to any confidential or sensitive information is appropriately checked and is expected to be committed to maintaining confidentiality with their conduct and practice.

Step 1 Initial Enquiry 

Initial Enquiry: We aim to be transparent from the moment we advertise, outlining clearly what criteria we are looking for and how to enquire with us. We will gather information from the applicants relating to their experience and family and why they are interested in fostering. We will share information with the applicants regarding our organisation.


Step 2 Home Visit

Home Visit: A social worker will arrange a time and date convenient for the applicant/s at their home. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss an exploration of skills, knowledge and
your motivation to foster. If there are any practical requirements which are highlighted these will be discussed too. The visit aims to determine whether the applicant/s can meet our basic
expectations encouraging them to contemplate and consider if fostering is right for them.

Skills To Foster: Prospective foster carers will be invited to complete the ‘Skills To Foster’ training course. The Fostering Network have compiled a detailed thought provoking course which involves both assessment and reflection.

Decision to Proceed: We will carefully consider the aspects of the process so far and the decision will be made whether you will proceed to the application stage.

Step 3 Assessment


Application Form: You will receive your application form and will be asked to provide us with a wealth of information relating to your address history, employment history, three references who we can contact etc…

Stage 1 Checks: From your application form we will undertake several ‘Stage 1 Checks’;

  • Enhanced DBS check
  • Local Authority checks
  • Ex-partners (except in exceptional circumstances)
  • Children from previous relationships
  • Reference from current employer/ fostering organisation/voluntary work
  • School/health visitor reports for your own children
  • Medical reports
  • Personal References
  • Home risk assessments
  • Employment references, if there has been any involvement with children and/or vulnerable people then we must obtain a reference

Assessment: The Form F assessment process is completed in conjunction with the guidance and advice from the National Minimum Standards. You will be asked qualitative questions and be expected to answer;

  • Information about your background
  • Current and previous relationships
  • Children in the household
  • Other adult members in your household
  • Describe family life
  • Support network; family, friends, hobbies, employment
  • Parenting Capacity
  • Financial stability


Step 4 Panel

Panel: Our panel will make a recommendation with regards to new applicants, annual reviews, post allegation/complaint reviews, terminations of approvals.

Our panels are held regularly in Lancashire. The diversity of our panel is something we pride. We have a core base of care-experience individuals, educational specialists, health professionals, social workers, therapists, foster carers,

Step 5 Approval 

Application Form:You will receive your application form and will be asked to provide us with a wealth of information relating to your address history, employment history, three references who we can contact etc…

Stage 1 Checks: From your application form we will undertake several ‘Stage 1 Checks’;

  • Enhanced DBS check
  • Local Authority checks
  • Ex-partners (except in exceptional circumstances)
  • Children from previous relationships
  • Reference from current employer/ fostering organisation/voluntary work
  • School/health visitor reports for your own children
  • Medical reports
  • Personal References
  • Home risk assessments
  • Employment references, if there has been any involvement with children and/or vulnerable people then we must obtain a reference

Process Flow Chart

Process Flow Chart

FCL Fostering - Fostering Changes Life

We are pleased to answer any questions that you may have in relation to fostering children and young people. Download our Enquiry Pack which will answers many of the questions that you may have. 

Download our enquiry pack today to read more;

  • About us
  • What is Fostering?
  • Who Can Foster?
  • What Support/Finance can I expect?
  • The Recruitment Process
  • Placement Types
  • Working as part of a team
  • Training Programme
  • Qualities of a successful Foster Carer
  • Key Principle Duties and Responsibilities
    Caring for Children
  • What we provide and do differently
  • Frequently asked Questions