Fostering Communities

Foster Care Fortnight

Having recently joined the FCL Fostering (FCL) family as a social worker, we are all looking forward to the upcoming Foster Care Fortnight campaign which runs from 9th to the 22nd May this year. Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign organised by The Fostering Network which amongst other things highlights the ways in which fostering and being a foster carer can positively change the life of a young person!

This year’s Foster Care Fortnight campaign has a theme of ‘Fostering Communities’ looking at the ways people across the fostering community support each other. Here at FCL Fostering, this is something we are proud to be a part of – and we certainly recognise the importance of being part of a supportive foster family! Our FCL staff team of social workers, managers and administrative staff work closely with our partner Local Authorities and, of course, our dedicated and enthusiastic foster carers. They provide their foster children with the support, love, nurture and care that is so very important in allowing all foster children to enjoy, have fun, and feel safe in a loving and stable home environment!

Welcome, I am Darren

Having been a social worker for over 15 years, I have worked across the North West and enjoyed working with many different people, from many different backgrounds, all working together with one aim in mind. This is, to support the large number of children and young people across the region from the many different communities to make sure those young people have the best chance of experiencing the love and fulfilment of being part of a family. In many cases, this has meant that the young person has needed to live with and become part of a foster family in order to experience this. The foster family give the support and guidance to enable them to reach their life goals and much more.

Here at FCL Fostering we are looking to grow our fostering family so that we can continue to play a positive and meaningful role as part of the wider ‘fostering community’ here in Lancashire and the North West. We are now seeking to recruit additional foster carers to become part of the FCL family, if you would like to find out more information about how you could become a foster carer, and play a pivotal role in helping to positively change a young person’s life when they need it most, then we would love to hear from you.  


Senior Social Worker

0330 133 0706

@fclfosteringchangeslife (Instagram and Facebook)



Darren Kelly Social Worker